Disabilities Don't Discriminate

sponsorship Opportunities

Community Support For a Community Issue

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.
— Helen Keller

Why Sponsor the Imagine Inclusion Lake zorinsky Project?

Currently, there are no barrier free, accessible and inclusive parks west of 84th Street in Omaha, NE. What does this mean? It means a lot of people aren’t able to access their community. Kids with disabilities aren’t able to play with their peers. Parents with disabilities aren’t able to take their kids to the park because they are unable to access the park and cannot reach their child on the playground in an emergency. Lake Zorinsky is Omaha’s busiest and most popular park with the huge population boom in West Omaha and surrounding communities. By supporting this high visibility project, you are helping change our community for the better!

How you can help

Our vision for this accessible community space comes with a cost of $1.3 million. To make this dream a reality, we need your help! We have a range of sponsorship opportunities available to meet your charitable giving budget. Imagine Inclusion is a 501(c)(3) public nonprofit. We are also a volunteer organization, so 100 percent of your donation goes towards the project. We would love to chat with you about these opportunities! You can fill out the contact information below, or feel free to email us at imagineinclusioninc@gmail.com.

Sponsorship Levels

Opportunity Maker Sponsor $2,000 Name affixed to park bench -FULL

Free to Play Sponsor $5,000 Name affixed to picnic table -FULL

Inclusivity Advocate Sponsor $10,000 Name affixed to shade structure

Making the Future Accessible Sponsor $25,000+ We would love to work with you to create a sponsorship level that recognizes your commitment to making the future accessible

Sponsorship Information Request

Become a sponsor now
