Disabilities Don't Discriminate
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Imagine Inclusion

Inclusive Playground at Lake Zorinsky

Your gift will be matched by a generous anonymous donor up to $100k through Dec. 31, 2023. This final $200k will fully fund the installation of the Zorinsky Lake Inclusive playground project for a total of $1.3M. The equipment has been ordered for the park to be installed in Spring 2024.

Our Story

Over a couple of cups of coffee Meaghan, Lauren and Allison found a common passion - making our communities better! And they realized that collectively they had the passion, drive and skills to make an impact for families in the Omaha area.

Disability does not discriminate - it affects all demographic areas and socioeconomic groups.

But did you know that there are no accessible, inclusive, barrier-free playgrounds west of 84th street in the Omaha area?! This not only impacts a child with disabilities from having the opportunity to freely play, but caregivers with disabilities as well. A caregiver should never have to worry about being able to reach their child in a time of need or be excluded from playing with their child simply because the playground was not designed to accommodate their abilities. This issue is about the greater wellness of our communities.

Lauren is a parent of two children, one with spina bifida, who experienced great frustration when she discovered she had to drive almost 30 minutes to find a playground where her children could play together.

Meaghan is an Omaha native whose passion for removing barriers to participation in life developed as a result of her mom’s company, Children’s Respite Care Center. She is now a business owner who focuses her professional efforts on educating about impairment and working to create more inclusive communities.

Allison is a development professional who has dedicated her career to working with non-profit organizations to make positive impacts on services and programs in our communities, and help organizations like Imagine Inclusion fulfill their visions.

So they joined forces and said, “We will give West Omaha a place where everyone can play!”.

Imagine Inclusion’s first project is to create an inclusive, barrier-free oasis at Lake Zorinsky. We have partnered with Omaha Parks and Rec to create a playground like no other in our area! Because the result will benefit every park goer, we believe the generosity of Omaha businesses, individuals and foundations will rally around us to make this vision a reality!

Thank you for supporting Imagine Inclusion as we work to make our community more inclusive for all! We look forward to having you along on our journey.

Meaghan, Lauren and Allison




15733 Capitol Ave

Omaha, NE 68118


(402) 480-1366



Support accessible and inclusive outdoor recreational opportunities regionally for schools, cities, and neighborhoods, while providing disability awareness efforts in the community.

So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
— Christopher Reeve

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